2024-07-16 19:08:42 +08:00
% lipu sona pona( toki pona课程)
% /dev/urandom
% 2024-02-21
这是一个试图构建一个关于*toki pona*的非官方教育课程的系列页面,*toki pona*是一种人工
语言, 最初设计于2001年, 然后逐年由索尼娅·兰进行逐步修订。
了120个“官方词汇”( 社群有时也会使用一些额外的词汇) , 语法非常简单, 并且使用了少量不
生歧义。在 toki pona 中表达许多概念和想法需要人们想出自己的短语或完全重新表述它们(正
谈到上下文, toki pona 是一种非常依赖上下文的语言。不同的人可能会用完全不同的方式描述
此外, toki pona还被设计成易于使用, 无论你的母语是什么。toki pona中使用的音素和音节结
# 关于这门课程
已经有几个学习toki pona的好资源可用。最重要( 也是我认为最好的) 是
[**官方 toki pona 书籍** ](https://tokipona.org/ )( 也称为“pu”) , 由索尼娅·兰在2014
一个有趣的视频课程是jan Misali的[“12 days of sona pi toki pona” ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4L-dvvng4Zc )YouTube系列。它在12个短视频中涵盖了整个语言, 每个视频都包含了官方词典中的 10 个词汇(嘘:我的页面结构就是受到它的启发)。
此前, Bryant Knight( 也称为“jan Pije”) 的在线课程“o kama sona e toki pona!”(“学
习toki pona! ”) 是另一个重要的学习资源。在被创建者撤回之前, 它是最早的 toki pona 网
我在这里的目标是尽量呈现一种考虑到人们说与写toki pona的不同方式以及它现在的使用方式的版本。一些页面将包含“方言差异”部分, 其中将涵盖这些差异。一些较大的差异将立即描述。我会对其中一些差异提供我的个人意见, 因此, 虽然这门课程试图做到全面, 但它并不是公正的。
编号为零的页面将提供有关语言的拼写和发音的基本信息, 而之后的每一页将介绍语言的120个词汇中的10个词汇。
## 目录
### 课程页面
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* [第0页 - 拼写与发音 ](zh/0 )
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* [第1页 - 基本句子 ](zh/1 )
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* [第2页 - 形容词 ](zh/2 )
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* [第3页 - 动词与宾语 ](zh/3 )
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* [第4页 - 不好了!更多词汇 ](zh/4 )
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* [第5页 - 这与那 ](zh/5 )
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* [第6页 - 介词与位置 ](zh/6 )
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* [第7页 - 感叹句、问句、祈使句以及名字 ](zh/7 )
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* [第7a页 - 创造toki pona非官方词汇 ](zh/7a )
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* [第8页 - 色彩缤纷的语言 ](zh/8 )
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* [第9页 - 复杂的形容词与语境 ](zh/9 )
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* [第10页 - 助动词,时间与地点 ](zh/10 )
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* [第11页 - 数字 ](zh/11 )
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* [第12页 - 最后的倒数 ](zh/12 )
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* [第13页 - 特别辞典版本 ](zh/13 )
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### 额外页面(未翻译)
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* [额外页面1 - 旧与新词 ](en/x1 )
* [一些词在toki pona中的描述 ](nimi_pi_pu_ala/ )
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* [额外页面2 - 其他的书写系统 ](en/x2 )
* [sitelen pona ](sitelen_pona )
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* [辞典 ](dictionary )
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* [我的个人风格 ](personal_style/ )
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* [鸣谢 ](credits/ )
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### 原创内容
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* [phonetic alphabet (EN/RU) ](lentan/phonetic_alphabet )
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* [keyboard layout ](lentan/keyboard )
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* [musi pi jan lawa moli (rules of chess) ](lentan/chess )
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* [musi Soki (rules of shogi) (wip) ](lentan/shogi )
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* [lipu nasin pi musi Lisi Masan (Riichi Mahjong) (WIP) ](lentan/riichi_mahjong )
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* ["insa pi supa lape" -- an original sitelen pona font ](lentan/supalape )
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* [ante toki tawa musi pi sitelen tawa (video game translations) ](lentan/game_patches )
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* ["jan lawa pi linja ilo" ("LAN Master") ](lentan/jan_lawa_pi_linja_ilo )
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2024-08-20 22:16:43 +05:00
* [list of Russian/Ukrainian/Belarusian city names ](lentan/city_names )
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* ["nasin Juni pi ilo kon" ](lentan/nasin_juni ), a short page about the "Unix way"
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* ["o lawa e sona sina!" ](lentan/o_lawa_e_sona_sina ), a small article about the
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centralization of the internet
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* [nasin tenpo ](lentan/nasin_tenpo ), a time measurement system that only uses a
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few numbers
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* ["pilin pi kama pona" ](lentan/la_espero ): a translation of the Esperantist
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### Alternative versions
* [Google Docs version ](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1uZ-OqpATrjJwCRRvKLEoT16mphES4Id_za_gHmrtEQ4/edit?usp=sharing )
### Other people's content
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* [IBus tables for sitelen pona ](lentan/sitelen_pona_ibus ) _by jan Komi_
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2024-08-20 22:16:43 +05:00
* [_jan Pije_'s video game translations ](lentan/game_patches_jp )
2024-07-16 19:08:42 +08:00
## Software
Here are links to some software that I personally found useful:
* ["ding" dictionary tool ](http://www-user.tu-chemnitz.de/~fri/ding/ ) is a
simple-looking and easy to use dictionary tool that, by default, comes bundled
with German-to-English dictionaries, but toki pona-to-English files for it are
also available [on this
* [toki pona keyboard ](https://github.com/timeopochin/tokiponakeyboard ) for
Android phones. Supports both Latin (with some sitelen pona font features) and
sitelen emoji. (WIP)
* [ilo pi sitelen pona ](https://ilo-pi-sitelen-pona.glitch.me/ ): a web-based
tool that converts Latin-based toki pona into UCSUR-compatible sitelen pona.
## Other courses online
* [Jonathan Gabel's lessons ](https://jonathangabel.com/toki-pona ) teach both
toki pona as a language and "sitelen sitelen", a rather ornamental-looking (if
uncommon in general usage) writing system for toki pona.
## Useful resources
Apart from the above-mentioned book and courses, here are some good resources
and links for people who want to learn or use toki pona:
* [tokipona.net ](http://tokipona.net ) (warning: if your "HTTPS Everywhere" addon
is set to "Encrypt All Sites Eligible", disable it for tokipona.net, or else
it will redirect you to an unrelated website)
* ["lipu lili pona", a description of toki pona's rules and vocabulary on 2
* [Another description of toki pona's rules and vocab on 2
* [A toki pona dictionary with sitelen pona
characters](https://theotherwebsite.com/tokipona/) by "The Other Website"
* [toki pona flashcards for Anki ](https://ankiweb.net/shared/decks/toki%20pona )
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* [flashcards based on this
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website](https://ankiweb.net/shared/info/204928497), by u/parentis\_shotgun
* [jan Sotan's description of his personal style, including the informal "tok'
apona" dialect](https://github.com/ae-dschorsaanjo/lipu-lili-pi-toki-pona)
## Other people's original works
* ["musi lili" ](https://musilili.net/ ), a page by jan Same
* [lipu kule, a blog with posts in toki pona by various
* ["lipu tenpo", a toki pona magazine ](https://liputenpo.org/ )
* [lipu Wikipesija, a recent project to make a toki pona
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2024-08-20 22:16:43 +05:00
* [Russian TV: "Art Revolution" on conlangs ](lentan/art_revolution ) with subtitles
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by me
* [nasin tenpo pona ](https://weatherwhim.github.io/nasin-tenpo-pona/ ), a
calendar system that uses toki pona words
### Discussion groups and chats
* [/r/tokipona subreddit ](https://reddit.com/r/tokipona )
* ["ma pona pi toki pona" Discord server ](https://discord.gg/Byqn5z9 )
* [toki pona Telegram group ](https://telegram.me/joinchat/BLVsYz92zHUp2h2TYp9kTA )
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* [IRC channel #tokipona on Freenode, bridged with the Telegram group ](ircs://freenode.org:6697/#tokipona )
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* ["kulupu pi toki pona" Telegram group ](https://t.me/kulupupitokipona ) (this
one is usually more about talking _in_ toki pona)
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