2019-04-26 16:16:14 +01:00

284 lines
9.6 KiB
Executable file

#!/usr/bin/env python
# auto-deploy script for https://riot.im/develop
# Listens for buildkite webhook pokes (https://buildkite.com/docs/apis/webhooks)
# When it gets one, downloads the artifact from buildkite
# and deploys it as the new version.
# Requires the following python packages:
# - requests
# - flask
from __future__ import print_function
import json, requests, tarfile, argparse, os, errno
import time
import traceback
from urlparse import urljoin
import glob
import re
import shutil
from flask import Flask, jsonify, request, abort
from deploy import Deployer, DeployException
app = Flask(__name__)
deployer = None
arg_extract_path = None
arg_symlink = None
arg_webhook_token = None
arg_api_token = None
def create_symlink(source, linkname):
os.symlink(source, linkname)
except OSError, e:
if e.errno == errno.EEXIST:
# atomic modification
os.symlink(source, linkname + ".tmp")
os.rename(linkname + ".tmp", linkname)
raise e
def req_headers():
return {
"Authorization": "Bearer %s" % (arg_api_token,),
@app.route("/", methods=["POST"])
def on_receive_buildkite_poke():
got_webhook_token = request.headers.get('X-Buildkite-Token')
if got_webhook_token != arg_webbook_token:
print("Denying request with incorrect webhook token: %s" % (got_webhook_token,))
abort(400, "Incorrect webhook token")
required_api_prefix = None
if arg_buildkit_org is not None:
required_api_prefix = 'https://api.buildkite.com/v2/organizations/%s' % (arg_buildkit_org,)
incoming_json = request.get_json()
if not incoming_json:
abort(400, "No JSON provided!")
print("Incoming JSON: %s" % (incoming_json,))
event = incoming_json.get("event")
if event is None:
abort(400, "No 'event' specified")
if event == 'ping':
print("Got ping request - responding")
return jsonify({'response': 'pong!'})
if event != 'build.finished':
print("Rejecting '%s' event")
abort(400, "Unrecognised event")
build_obj = incoming_json.get("build")
if build_obj is None:
abort(400, "No 'build' object")
build_url = build_obj.get('url')
if build_url is None:
abort(400, "build has no url")
if required_api_prefix is not None and not build_url.startswith(required_api_prefix):
print("Denying poke for build url with incorrect prefix: %s" % (build_url,))
abort(400, "Invalid build url")
build_num = build_obj.get('number')
if build_num is None:
abort(400, "build has no number")
pipeline_obj = incoming_json.get("pipeline")
if pipeline_obj is None:
abort(400, "No 'pipeline' object")
pipeline_name = pipeline_obj.get('name')
if pipeline_name is None:
abort(400, "pipeline has no name")
artifacts_url = build_url + "/artifacts"
artifacts_resp = requests.get(artifacts_url, headers=req_headers())
artifacts_array = artifacts_resp.json()
for artifact in artifacts_array:
artifact_to_deploy = None
if re.match(r"dist/.*.tar.gz", artifact['path']):
artifact_to_deploy = artifact
if artifact_to_deploy is None:
print("No suitable artifacts found")
return jsonify({})
# double paranoia check: make sure the artifact is on the right org too
if required_api_prefix is not None and not artifact_to_deploy['url'].startswith(required_api_prefix):
print("Denying poke for build url with incorrect prefix: %s" % (artifact_to_deploy['url'],))
abort(400, "Refusing to deploy artifact from URL %s", artifact_to_deploy['url'])
return deploy_buildkite_artifact(artifact_to_deploy, pipeline_name, build_num)
def deploy_buildkite_artifact(artifact, pipeline_name, build_num):
artifact_response = requests.get(artifact['url'], headers=req_headers())
artifact_obj = artifact_response.json()
# we extract into a directory based on the build number. This avoids the
# problem of multiple builds building the same git version and thus having
# the same tarball name. That would lead to two potential problems:
# (a) sometimes jenkins serves corrupted artifacts; we would replace
# a good deploy with a bad one
# (b) we'll be overwriting the live deployment, which means people might
# see half-written files.
build_dir = os.path.join(arg_extract_path, "%s-#%s" % (pipeline_name, build_num))
extracted_dir = deploy_tarball(artifact_obj, build_dir)
except DeployException as e:
abort(400, e.message)
create_symlink(source=extracted_dir, linkname=arg_symlink)
return jsonify({})
def deploy_tarball(artifact, build_dir):
"""Download a tarball from jenkins and unpack it
(str) the path to the unpacked deployment
if os.path.exists(build_dir):
raise DeployException(
"Not deploying. We have previously deployed this build."
print("Fetching artifact %s -> %s..." % (artifact['download_url'], artifact['filename'])
# Download the tarball here as buildkite needs auth to do this
# we don't pgp-sign buildkite artifacts, relying on HTTPS and buildkite
# not being evil. If that's not good enough for you, don't use riot.im/develop.
resp = requests.get(artifact['download_url'], stream=True, headers=req_headers())
with open(artifact['filename'], 'wb') as ofp:
shutil.copyfileobj(resp.raw, ofp)
print("...download complete. Deploying...")
# we rely on the fact that flask only serves one request at a time to
# ensure that we do not overwrite a tarball from a concurrent request.
return deployer.deploy(artifact['filename'], build_dir)
if __name__ == "__main__":
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser("Runs a Vector redeployment server.")
"-p", "--port", dest="port", default=4000, type=int, help=(
"The port to listen on for requests from Jenkins."
"-e", "--extract", dest="extract", default="./extracted", help=(
"The location to extract .tar.gz files to."
"-b", "--bundles-dir", dest="bundles_dir", help=(
"A directory to move the contents of the 'bundles' directory to. A \
symlink to the bundles directory will also be written inside the \
extracted tarball. Example: './bundles'."
"-c", "--clean", dest="clean", action="store_true", default=False, help=(
"Remove .tar.gz files after they have been downloaded and extracted."
"-s", "--symlink", dest="symlink", default="./latest", help=(
"Write a symlink to this location pointing to the extracted tarball. \
New builds will keep overwriting this symlink. The symlink will point \
to the /vector directory INSIDE the tarball."
# --include ../../config.json ./localhost.json homepages/*
"--include", nargs='*', default='./config*.json', help=(
"Symlink these files into the root of the deployed tarball. \
Useful for config files and home pages. Supports glob syntax. \
(Default: '%(default)s')"
"--test", dest="tarball_uri", help=(
"Don't start an HTTP listener. Instead download a build from Jenkins \
"--webhook-token", dest="webhook_token", help=(
"Only accept pokes with this buildkite token."
), required=True,
"--api-token", dest="api_token", help=(
"API access token for buildkite. Require read_artifacts scope."
), required=True,
# We require a matching webhook token, but because we take everything else
# about what to deploy from the poke body, we can be a little more paranoid
# and only accept builds / artifacts from a specific buildkite org
"--org", dest="buildkite_org", help=(
"Lock down to this buildkite org"
args = parser.parse_args()
arg_extract_path = args.extract
arg_symlink = args.symlink
arg_webbook_token = args.webhook_token
arg_api_token = args.api_token
arg_buildkit_org = args.buildkit_org
if not os.path.isdir(arg_extract_path):
deployer = Deployer()
deployer.bundles_path = args.bundles_dir
deployer.should_clean = args.clean
for include in args.include:
deployer.symlink_paths.update({ os.path.basename(pth): pth for pth in glob.iglob(include) })
if args.tarball_uri is not None:
build_dir = os.path.join(arg_extract_path, "test-%i" % (time.time()))
deploy_tarball(args.tarball_uri, build_dir)
"Listening on port %s. Extracting to %s%s. Symlinking to %s. Include files: %s" %
" (clean after)" if deployer.should_clean else "",
app.run(port=args.port, debug=False)