DesertMermaid a7ac9c29b2
Some checks failed
Unit Tests / busted_unit_test (push) Failing after 48s
Error Check / luacheck_errcheck (push) Failing after 50s
new file: .forgejo/workflows/error_check.yml
new file:   .forgejo/workflows/unit_test.yml
new file:   .luacheckrc
new file:   .vscode/settings.json
new file:   LICENSE
new file:   default.nix
modified:   game.conf
modified:   minetest.conf
new file:   mods/BLOCKS/modpack.conf
new file:   mods/BLOCKS/overworld/init.lua
new file:   mods/BLOCKS/overworld/mod.conf
new file:   mods/BLOCKS/overworld/textures/vox_grass.png
new file:   mods/COMPAT/README.md
new file:   mods/COMPAT/minetest_default/README.md
new file:   mods/COMPAT/minetest_default/init.lua
new file:   mods/COMPAT/minetest_default/mod.conf
new file:   mods/COMPAT/modpack.conf
new file:   mods/CORE/colors/init.lua
new file:   mods/CORE/colors/mod.conf
new file:   mods/CORE/controls
new file:   mods/CORE/modpack.conf
new file:   mods/CORE/vox_main/init.lua
new file:   mods/CORE/vox_main/mod.conf
new file:   mods/ENTITIES/modpack.conf
new file:   mods/ENVIRONMENT/modpack.conf
new file:   mods/HELP/modpack.conf
new file:   mods/HUD/inventory/creative.lua
new file:   mods/HUD/inventory/init.lua
new file:   mods/HUD/inventory/mod.conf
new file:   mods/HUD/inventory/survival.lua
new file:   mods/HUD/modpack.conf
new file:   mods/ITEMS/modpack.conf
new file:   mods/MAPGEN/modpack.conf
new file:   mods/MISC/modpack.conf
new file:   mods/PLAYER/modpack.conf
modified:   settingtypes.txt
new file:   tests/CORE/colors.lua
new file:   tests/README.md
new file:   tests/sanity.lua
2024-12-10 15:23:36 -08:00

27 lines
740 B

# Tooling file for Nix and NixOS to get a quick start
description = "pending";
inputs = {
nixpkgs.url = "github:NixOS/nixpkgs/nixos-24.11";
outputs = { self, nixpkgs, ...}:
pkgs = import nixpkgs { inherit self; };
supportedSystems = [ "x86_64-linux" ];
in {
devShells = builtins.map(system:
${system}.default = pkgs.mkShell {
buildInputs = [
# Run CI/CD actions locally
shellHook = ''
alias run_workflows='act -W $PWD/.forgejo/workflows -P ubuntu-latest=ghcr.io/catthehacker/ubuntu:act-latest --pull=false'
echo "Run 'run_workflows' to run the workflows locally"
) ${supportedSystems};