SizableShrimp 773c579dab Forge 1.20
- Creative mode tabs are now a registry; the `BuildContents` event was renamed to `BuildCreativeModeTabContentsEvent` and moved it to its own class
- The pack format is now 15 for both resource packs and data packs
- `ScreenUtils` was deprecated in favor of a `GuiGraphics` extension
- Forge and the MDK were updated to Gradle 8 and FG6
- The Forge common config file was removed (it only contained the deprecated old fields for resource caching, which was removed in 1.19.3)
- Registry dummy entries were removed
- `RemappingVertexPipeline` was fixed to forward the `endVertex()` call
- Forge tool tags were removed in favor of vanilla ones

Co-authored-by: ChampionAsh5357 <>
Co-authored-by: coehlrich <>
Co-authored-by: Dennis C <>
Co-authored-by: Matyrobbrt <>
2023-06-07 20:55:09 -05:00

59 lines
3.5 KiB

# Sets default memory used for gradle commands. Can be overridden by user or command line properties.
# This is required to provide enough memory for the Minecraft decompilation process.
## Environment Properties
# The Minecraft version must agree with the Forge version to get a valid artifact
# The Minecraft version range can use any release version of Minecraft as bounds.
# Snapshots, pre-releases, and release candidates are not guaranteed to sort properly
# as they do not follow standard versioning conventions.
# The Forge version must agree with the Minecraft version to get a valid artifact
# The Forge version range can use any version of Forge as bounds or match the loader version range
# The loader version range can only use the major version of Forge/FML as bounds
# The mapping channel to use for mappings.
# The default set of supported mapping channels are ["official", "snapshot", "snapshot_nodoc", "stable", "stable_nodoc"].
# Additional mapping channels can be registered through the "channelProviders" extension in a Gradle plugin.
# | Channel | Version | |
# |-----------|----------------------|--------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
# | official | MCVersion | Official field/method names from Mojang mapping files |
# | parchment | YYYY.MM.DD-MCVersion | Open community-sourced parameter names and javadocs layered on top of official |
# You must be aware of the Mojang license when using the 'official' or 'parchment' mappings.
# See more information here:
# Parchment is an unofficial project maintained by ParchmentMC, separate from Minecraft Forge.
# Additional setup is needed to use their mappings, see
# The mapping version to query from the mapping channel.
# This must match the format required by the mapping channel.
## Mod Properties
# The unique mod identifier for the mod. Must be lowercase in English locale. Must fit the regex [a-z][a-z0-9_]{1,63}
# Must match the String constant located in the main mod class annotated with @Mod.
# The human-readable display name for the mod.
mod_name=Example Mod
# The license of the mod. Review your options at All Rights Reserved is the default.
mod_license=All Rights Reserved
# The mod version. See
# The group ID for the mod. It is only important when publishing as an artifact to a Maven repository.
# This should match the base package used for the mod sources.
# See
# The authors of the mod. This is a simple text string that is used for display purposes in the mod list.
mod_authors=YourNameHere, OtherNameHere
# The description of the mod. This is a simple multiline text string that is used for display purposes in the mod list.
mod_description=Example mod description.\nNewline characters can be used and will be replaced properly.