--- title: About Me prop: true ---

Helau! :3

## 🌙 Luna - She/Her [`thelunacy@proton.me`](mailto:thelunacy@proton.me)
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###### 🏳️‍⚧️ I am exploring identity, so this may change or I might go by different things elsewhere. ###### Regardless, try to respect this or else. I'm not here to debate my existence.
*Queer rights are human rights.*
I'm a student, apprentice, hobbyist, and generally a nerd who does some coding every once and a while. I've mainly been messing with C, C++, C# and have been learning Rust. I'm presently learning more about web development, particularly regarding frameworks and libraries. I'm a bit shy in terms of socializing, but I'm often open to chat about most things, so long as it's respectful. Please reach out to me first, I probably won't do so myself. Follow if you enjoy. I'm not *too* active, but I'll try to post some things every once and a while.