
80 lines
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Raw Normal View History

2024-12-21 19:11:09 -08:00
# This is meant to track the contents of /public/blog/*.md
# to maintain an up-to-date list of blog posts.
# It outputs JSON to stdout:
# Given a file /public/blog/ of contents:
# ---
# title: Foo Bar
# date: 2019-01-01
# arbitrary_key: arbitrary_value
# ---
# # Foo Bar
# it will output:
# {
# posts: [
# {
# id: "2019-01-01-foo-bar",
# title: "Foo Bar",
# date: "2019-01-01",
# arbitrary_key: "arbitrary_value",
# url: "/blog/2019-01-01-foo-bar"
# }
# ]
# }
# It should also read the YAML Front Matter of each post
# and place all the keys in the JSON output.
# The script should be run from the root of the project.
echo "{"
echo " \"posts\": ["
# Front-Matter Extraction (procedure)
# Given data, extract the YAML Front Matter header
# and output it as JSON.
extract_front_matter() {
local data="$1"
local front_matter=$(echo "$data" | sed -n '/^---/,/^---/p')
echo "$front_matter" | sed '1d;$d' | sed 's/^/ "/' | sed 's/: /": "/' | sed 's/$/"/' | tr '\n' ',' | sed 's/,$//' | sed 's/"tags": "\[\(.*\)\]"/"tags": \[\1\]/g' | sed "s/'/\"/g"
# Find files via Regex
# Find all files in /public/blog/*.md
# Process and extract the front matter of each file.
# Output the JSON representation of the front matter.
extract_files() {
local files=$(find public/blog -type f -name "*.md")
for file in $files; do
# Enter, create {} for each file
echo " {"
echo " \"metadata\": {"
local data=$(cat $file)
local front_matter=$(extract_front_matter "$data")
echo "$front_matter"
echo " },"
# Add the id and url
local id=$(echo "$file" | sed 's/public\/blog\///' | sed 's/\.md//')
echo " \"id\": \"$id\","
echo " \"url\": \"/blog/$\""
# Exit, close {} for each file
echo " },"
# Process all files
extract_files | sed '$s/,$//'
echo " ]"
echo "}"