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2025-01-01 20:56:09 -08:00
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Python Frontmatter: Parse and manage posts with YAML frontmatter
from __future__ import annotations
import codecs
import io
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Iterable
from .util import u
from .default_handlers import YAMLHandler, JSONHandler, TOMLHandler
from .default_handlers import BaseHandler
__all__ = ["parse", "load", "loads", "dump", "dumps"]
# global handlers
handlers = [
for Handler in [YAMLHandler, JSONHandler, TOMLHandler]
if Handler is not None
def detect_format(text: str, handlers: Iterable[BaseHandler]) -> BaseHandler | None:
Figure out which handler to use, based on metadata.
Returns a handler instance or None.
``text`` should be unicode text about to be parsed.
``handlers`` is a dictionary where keys are opening delimiters
and values are handler instances.
for handler in handlers:
if handler.detect(text):
return handler
# nothing matched, give nothing back
return None
def parse(
text: str,
encoding: str = "utf-8",
handler: BaseHandler | None = None,
**defaults: object,
) -> tuple[dict[str, object], str]:
Parse text with frontmatter, return metadata and content.
Pass in optional metadata defaults as keyword args.
If frontmatter is not found, returns an empty metadata dictionary
(or defaults) and original text content.
.. testsetup:: *
>>> import frontmatter
.. doctest::
>>> with open('tests/yaml/hello-world.txt') as f:
... metadata, content = frontmatter.parse(
>>> print(metadata['title'])
Hello, world!
# ensure unicode first
text = u(text, encoding).strip()
# metadata starts with defaults
metadata = defaults.copy()
# this will only run if a handler hasn't been set higher up
handler = handler or detect_format(text, handlers)
if handler is None:
return metadata, text
# split on the delimiters
fm, content = handler.split(text)
except ValueError:
# if we can't split, bail
return metadata, text
# parse, now that we have frontmatter
fm_data = handler.load(fm)
if isinstance(fm_data, dict):
return metadata, content.strip()
def check(fd: str | io.IOBase, encoding: str = "utf-8") -> bool:
Check if a file-like object or filename has a frontmatter,
return True if exists, False otherwise.
If it contains a frontmatter but it is empty, return True as well.
.. doctest::
>>> frontmatter.check('tests/yaml/hello-world.txt')
if hasattr(fd, "read"):
text =
with, "r", encoding) as f:
text =
return checks(text, encoding)
def checks(text: str, encoding: str = "utf-8") -> bool:
Check if a text (binary or unicode) has a frontmatter,
return True if exists, False otherwise.
If it contains a frontmatter but it is empty, return True as well.
.. doctest::
>>> with open('tests/yaml/hello-world.txt') as f:
... frontmatter.checks(
text = u(text, encoding)
return detect_format(text, handlers) != None
def load(
fd: str | io.IOBase,
encoding: str = "utf-8",
handler: BaseHandler | None = None,
**defaults: object,
) -> Post:
Load and parse a file-like object or filename,
return a :py:class:`post <frontmatter.Post>`.
.. doctest::
>>> post = frontmatter.load('tests/yaml/hello-world.txt')
>>> with open('tests/yaml/hello-world.txt') as f:
... post = frontmatter.load(f)
if hasattr(fd, "read"):
text =
with, "r", encoding) as f:
text =
handler = handler or detect_format(text, handlers)
return loads(text, encoding, handler, **defaults)
def loads(
text: str,
encoding: str = "utf-8",
handler: BaseHandler | None = None,
**defaults: object,
) -> Post:
Parse text (binary or unicode) and return a :py:class:`post <frontmatter.Post>`.
.. doctest::
>>> with open('tests/yaml/hello-world.txt') as f:
... post = frontmatter.loads(
text = u(text, encoding)
handler = handler or detect_format(text, handlers)
metadata, content = parse(text, encoding, handler, **defaults)
return Post(content, handler, **metadata)
def dump(
post: Post,
fd: str | io.IOBase,
encoding: str = "utf-8",
handler: BaseHandler | None = None,
**kwargs: object,
) -> None:
Serialize :py:class:`post <frontmatter.Post>` to a string and write to a file-like object.
Text will be encoded on the way out (utf-8 by default).
>>> from io import BytesIO
>>> post = frontmatter.load('tests/yaml/hello-world.txt')
>>> f = BytesIO()
>>> frontmatter.dump(post, f)
>>> print(f.getvalue().decode('utf-8'))
layout: post
title: Hello, world!
Well, hello there, world.
.. testcode::
from io import BytesIO
post = frontmatter.load('tests/yaml/hello-world.txt')
f = BytesIO()
frontmatter.dump(post, f)
.. testoutput::
layout: post
title: Hello, world!
Well, hello there, world.
content = dumps(post, handler, **kwargs)
if hasattr(fd, "write"):
with, "w", encoding) as f:
def dumps(post: Post, handler: BaseHandler | None = None, **kwargs: object) -> str:
Serialize a :py:class:`post <frontmatter.Post>` to a string and return text.
This always returns unicode text, which can then be encoded.
Passing ``handler`` will change how metadata is turned into text. A handler
passed as an argument will override ``post.handler``, with
:py:class:`YAMLHandler <frontmatter.default_handlers.YAMLHandler>` used as
a default.
>>> post = frontmatter.load('tests/yaml/hello-world.txt')
>>> print(frontmatter.dumps(post)) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
layout: post
title: Hello, world!
Well, hello there, world.
.. testcode::
post = frontmatter.load('tests/yaml/hello-world.txt')
.. testoutput::
layout: post
title: Hello, world!
Well, hello there, world.
if handler is None:
handler = getattr(post, "handler", None) or YAMLHandler()
return handler.format(post, **kwargs)
class Post(object):
A post contains content and metadata from Front Matter. This is what gets
returned by :py:func:`load <frontmatter.load>` and :py:func:`loads <frontmatter.loads>`.
Passing this to :py:func:`dump <frontmatter.dump>` or :py:func:`dumps <frontmatter.dumps>`
will turn it back into text.
For convenience, metadata values are available as proxied item lookups.
def __init__(
self, content: str, handler: BaseHandler | None = None, **metadata: object
) -> None:
self.content = str(content)
self.metadata = metadata
self.handler = handler
def __getitem__(self, name: str) -> object:
"Get metadata key"
return self.metadata[name]
def __contains__(self, item: object) -> bool:
"Check metadata contains key"
return item in self.metadata
def __setitem__(self, name: str, value: object) -> None:
"Set a metadata key"
self.metadata[name] = value
def __delitem__(self, name: str) -> None:
"Delete a metadata key"
del self.metadata[name]
def __bytes__(self) -> bytes:
return self.content.encode("utf-8")
def __str__(self) -> str:
return self.content
def get(self, key: str, default: object = None) -> object:
"Get a key, fallback to default"
return self.metadata.get(key, default)
def keys(self) -> Iterable[str]:
"Return metadata keys"
return self.metadata.keys()
def values(self) -> Iterable[object]:
"Return metadata values"
return self.metadata.values()
def to_dict(self) -> dict[str, object]:
"Post as a dict, for serializing"
d = self.metadata.copy()
d["content"] = self.content
return d