#!/bin/bash if ! [[ -f upload.pwd ]]; then echo "You need a file named upload.pwd with the following format:" echo "N_USER=[your neocities username]" echo "N_PWD=[your neocities password]" exit 1 fi source ./upload.pwd if [ "$1" == "-h" ]; then echo "Usage:" echo "$0 -f filename [filename] ... -- upload specific files" echo "$0 -n -- upload files whose moddates are later than last upload time" echo "" echo "By default, the program checks neocities for a list of files," echo "compares their sha1sums against ones in the out directory," echo "and uploads whichever files differ." exit 0 fi #echo "Last upload at $LASTUPLOAD" UPFILES=() UPARGS=() if [ "$1" == "-f" ]; then shift for f in "$@"; do UPFILES+=("$f") UPARGS+=("-F" "$f=@out/$f") done elif [ "$1" == "-n" ]; then LASTUPLOAD=`stat -c %Y upload.lasttime 2>/dev/null` if [[ -z $LASTUPLOAD ]]; then LASTUPLOAD=0; fi FILES=`find out/ -type f -name '[!.]*'` for f in $FILES; do MTIME=`stat -c %Y $f` #echo "MTIME for $f: $MTIME" if [[ $MTIME -gt $LASTUPLOAD ]]; then REMOTENAME="${f#out/}" echo "File $REMOTENAME needs uploading" UPFILES+=("$REMOTENAME") UPARGS+=("-F" "$REMOTENAME=@$f") #curl -F "$REMOTENAME=@$f" "https://$N_USER:$N_PWD@neocities.org/api/upload" fi done else if ! command -v curl > /dev/null; then echo "This program needs the 'curl' utility to perform HTTP requests." exit 1 fi if ! command -v jq > /dev/null; then echo "This program needs the 'jq' utility to parse JSON outputs." exit 1 fi echo "Checking neocities for a file list..." FILELIST=`curl -sS "https://$N_USER:$N_PWD@neocities.org/api/list"` if [ `echo "$FILELIST" | jq -r ".result"` != 'success' ]; then echo "Error while requesting file list." echo "$FILELIST" exit 1 fi echo $FILELIST | jq -cr '.files[]|select(.is_directory == false)|[.sha1_hash,.path] | @tsv' | sed 's/\t/ /' | sort -k2 > remotehashes.txt ( cd out; find . -name '[!.]*' -type f -exec sha1sum {} + | sort -k2 | sed 's/ \.\// /' ) > localhashes.txt UPDFILES=`diff -U0 localhashes.txt remotehashes.txt | grep ^-[0-9a-f] | cut -d " " -f3` for f in $UPDFILES; do echo "* $f needs to be updated." UPFILES+=("$f") UPARGS+=("-F" "$f=@out/$f") done fi if [[ ${#UPARGS[@]} -gt 0 ]]; then curl ${UPARGS[@]} "https://$N_USER:$N_PWD@neocities.org/api/upload" && touch upload.lasttime else echo "No files need to be uploaded." fi