# NixOS Dotfiles The package manager Nix, and the OS built around it; [NixOS](https://nixos.org/), work by focusing the whole of the system's configuration on just a few, functionally-programmed files that'll reproduce the exact system you want. This offers immutability and testability, which is a great strength for workstations. These are those files. ## NOTICE If you wish to use this, ***CHANGE `nixos/hardware-configuration*** FOR YOUR OWN.*** It contains hard drive GUID labels, which you do not have. This can bork your install. ## Install 1. Clone the repo and `cd` into it: ```bash git clone [repo url] ~/.config/nixos && cd ./dotfiles ``` 2. Generate hardware configuration: ```bash sudo nixos-generate-config ``` 3. Copy it to the `nixos` directory: ```bash cp /etc/nixos/hardware-configuration.nix ./nixos/hardware-configuration.nix ``` TODO: Add more.